Before starting or playing MUSTRO created games it must be installed. Installation
only needs to occur once, so if MUSTRO has already been installed then skip the installation
instructions. At installation time a master account is created with the name "Administrator"
and password "password".

    Required Disk Space(depending on images packaged in the kit the size may vary): 25MB

    Execute InstallRPGJar.jar from its current directory. For installation to be possible
    this directory can't contain any files except InstallRPGJar.jar .

For player:
  1. Execute java bim.rpg.strategy.RemoteStarter or if on a Windows system execute "playremote.bat"
  2. Type in the server web address or localhost)
  3. Type in the port number for the server on which sockets are to connect to
  4. Choose "Generate Character", only do this step the first time you play, exit the window when done
  5. Execute java bim.rpg.strategy.RemoteStarter or if on a Windows system execute "playremote.bat"
  5. Choose "Explore the Realm"
  5. On the next window type in your character's name and password and click "Login"

For administrator:
  1. Execute java bim.rpg.strategy.TServeReceive 
  2. If the server program output progresses to "Server Up" then players can log in

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