Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is when a computer program behaves like a human. In the following example,
the computer program will simulate moving a slider in the classic game of Pong. The user will
play opposite the AI by using the arrow keypad on his/her keyboard.

Here is the example:
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; class PongExample extends Frame implements ActionListener, KeyEventDispatcher { volatile static Object syncAll=new Object(); volatile Button btnStart=new Button("Start Game"); volatile Button btnStop=new Button("Stop Game"); volatile PongCanvas canvasPong=new PongCanvas(); volatile BallMoveThread thrBall=new BallMoveThread(); volatile ArtificialIntelligenceThread thrAI=new ArtificialIntelligenceThread(); public static void main(String args[]) { try { PongExample pFrame=new PongExample(); Dimension dimScreen=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); pFrame.setSize(dimScreen.width, dimScreen.height-40); pFrame.setVisible(true); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } PongExample() { super("Pong"); setIconImage(new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { System.exit(0); } }); KeyboardFocusManager manager=KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); manager.addKeyEventDispatcher(this); Panel tempPan=new Panel(); tempPan.add(btnStart); btnStart.addActionListener(this); tempPan.add(btnStop); btnStop.addActionListener(this); add("North", tempPan); add("Center", canvasPong); thrBall.start(); thrAI.start(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { Object evSource=ae.getSource(); if(evSource==btnStart) { canvasPong.startGame(); } else if(evSource==btnStop) { canvasPong.blnUserWins=true; canvasPong.stopGame(); canvasPong.repaint(); } } public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke) { Object evSource=ke.getSource(); if(evSource instanceof TextField) return false; else if(evSource instanceof TextArea) return false; if(ke.getID()==KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { int keyCode=ke.getKeyCode(); if(keyCode==KeyEvent.VK_UP) { canvasPong.arrowUp(); } else if(keyCode==KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) { canvasPong.arrowDown(); } } return true; } class PongCanvas extends Canvas { volatile int intSliderWidth=20; volatile int intSliderHeight=150; volatile int intUserSliderPosition=-1; volatile int intAISliderPosition=-1; volatile int intUserSliderPositionIncrement=10; volatile int intBallWidth=11; volatile int intBallHeight=11; volatile double dblBallX=0.0d; volatile double dblBallY=0.0d; volatile double dblBallMoveX=0.0d; volatile double dblBallMoveY=0.0d; volatile int intEdgeWidth=10; volatile boolean blnUserWins=true; volatile boolean blnGameActive=false; PongCanvas() { super(); } public void startGame() { stopGame(); Dimension dimCanvas=getSize(); //Set the user and AI slider positions to the middle of the screen intUserSliderPosition=dimCanvas.height/2-intSliderHeight/2; intAISliderPosition=dimCanvas.height/2-intSliderHeight/2; //Set the ball position to the middle of the screen dblBallX=(double)(dimCanvas.width/2); dblBallY=(double)(dimCanvas.height/2); double dblMoveX=Math.random(); //Don't let the ball move x be too small of a number if(dblMoveX<=0.1d) dblMoveX=0.1d; //Make dblMoveY smaller than dblMoveX double dblMoveY=dblMoveX/2.0d*Math.random(); //Don't let the ball move y be too small of a number if(dblMoveY<=0.05d) dblMoveY=0.05d; //Half of the time dblMoveX is positive and half of the time dblMoveX is negative if(Math.random()>0.5d) dblMoveX=-dblMoveX; //Half of the time dblMoveY is positive and half of the time dblMoveY is negative if(Math.random()>0.5d) dblMoveY=-dblMoveY; //Get the magnitude of the vector formed by dblMoveX and dblMoveY double dblDistance=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dblMoveX, 2.0d)+Math.pow(dblMoveY, 2.0d)); //Make the vector formed by dblMoveX and dblMoveY into a unit vector dblMoveX=dblMoveX/dblDistance; dblMoveY=dblMoveY/dblDistance; dblBallMoveX=dblMoveX; dblBallMoveY=dblMoveY; //Scale up the vector formed by dblBallMoveX and dblBallMoveY up by a factor of 10 dblBallMoveX*=10.0d; dblBallMoveY*=10.0d; //If the ball is moving toward the AI's side of the screen then have the AI compute where the ball will meet with the AI's slider if(dblMoveX>0.0d) { thrAI.computeSliderMove(); } else { //The ball isn't moving toward the AI, so don't have the AI move thrAI.intAISliderPositionStop=intAISliderPosition; } //Set the boolean so that the game is marked as active which is evaluated in "paint" of PongCanvas and "run" of BallMoveThread blnGameActive=true; repaint(); } public void stopGame() { thrAI.stopSliderMove(); blnGameActive=false; } public void arrowUp() { synchronized(syncAll) { if((intUserSliderPosition-intUserSliderPositionIncrement)<0) intUserSliderPosition=0; else intUserSliderPosition=intUserSliderPosition-intUserSliderPositionIncrement; } repaint(); } public void arrowDown() { synchronized(syncAll) { if((intUserSliderPosition+intSliderHeight+intUserSliderPositionIncrement)>getSize().height) intUserSliderPosition=getSize().height-intSliderHeight; else intUserSliderPosition=intUserSliderPosition+intUserSliderPositionIncrement; } repaint(); } public void paint(Graphics graph) { Dimension dimCanvas=getSize(); if(!blnGameActive) { //If blnGameActive is false then print out who won in the middle of the screen if(blnUserWins) { String strWins="User Wins"; FontMetrics fMetr=graph.getFontMetrics(); int intWinsWidth=fMetr.stringWidth(strWins); int intWinsHeight=fMetr.getHeight(); graph.drawString(strWins, dimCanvas.width/2-intWinsWidth/2, dimCanvas.height/2+intWinsHeight/2); } else { String strWins="User Loses"; FontMetrics fMetr=graph.getFontMetrics(); int intWinsWidth=fMetr.stringWidth(strWins); int intWinsHeight=fMetr.getHeight(); graph.drawString(strWins, dimCanvas.width/2-intWinsWidth/2, dimCanvas.height/2+intWinsHeight/2); } return; } synchronized(syncAll) { Color clrPrev=graph.getColor(); graph.setColor(; //Draw the northern edge graph.fillRect(0, 0, dimCanvas.width, intEdgeWidth); //Draw the southern edge graph.fillRect(0, dimCanvas.height-intEdgeWidth, dimCanvas.width, intEdgeWidth); graph.setColor(; //Draw the user's slider graph.fillRect(0, intUserSliderPosition, intSliderWidth, intSliderHeight); //Draw the AI's slider graph.fillRect(dimCanvas.width-intSliderWidth, intAISliderPosition, intSliderWidth, intSliderHeight); graph.setColor(; //Draw the ball graph.fillOval(((int)Math.rint(dblBallX))-intBallWidth/2, ((int)Math.rint(dblBallY))-intBallHeight/2, intBallWidth, intBallHeight); } } } class BallMoveThread extends Thread { volatile long lngSleepTime=50l; volatile boolean blnKeepAlive=true; BallMoveThread() { super(); } public void run() { try { while(blnKeepAlive) { if(!canvasPong.blnGameActive) { Thread.sleep(1000); continue; } synchronized(syncAll) { //Move the ball's position canvasPong.dblBallX+=canvasPong.dblBallMoveX; canvasPong.dblBallY+=canvasPong.dblBallMoveY; //Check to see if the ball's position places it for bouncing off of the user's slider Rectangle user=new Rectangle(0, canvasPong.intUserSliderPosition, canvasPong.intSliderWidth, canvasPong.intSliderHeight); if(user.contains(canvasPong.dblBallX, canvasPong.dblBallY)) { canvasPong.dblBallMoveX=-canvasPong.dblBallMoveX; canvasPong.dblBallX=canvasPong.intSliderWidth+1; thrAI.computeSliderMove(); } //Check to see if the ball's position places it for bouncing off of the AI's slider Rectangle ai=new Rectangle(canvasPong.getSize().width-canvasPong.intSliderWidth, canvasPong.intAISliderPosition, canvasPong.intSliderWidth, canvasPong.intSliderHeight); if(ai.contains(canvasPong.dblBallX, canvasPong.dblBallY)) { canvasPong.dblBallMoveX=-canvasPong.dblBallMoveX; canvasPong.dblBallX=canvasPong.getSize().width-canvasPong.intSliderWidth-1; } //Check to see if the ball's position places it for bouncing off of the northern edge Rectangle northernEdge=new Rectangle(0, 0, canvasPong.getSize().width, canvasPong.intEdgeWidth); if(northernEdge.contains(canvasPong.dblBallX, canvasPong.dblBallY)) { canvasPong.dblBallMoveY=-canvasPong.dblBallMoveY; } //Check to see if the ball's position places it for bouncing off of the southern edge Rectangle southernEdge=new Rectangle(0, canvasPong.getSize().height-canvasPong.intEdgeWidth, canvasPong.getSize().width, canvasPong.intEdgeWidth); if(southernEdge.contains(canvasPong.dblBallX, canvasPong.dblBallY)) { canvasPong.dblBallMoveY=-canvasPong.dblBallMoveY; } if(canvasPong.dblBallX<0.0d) { //If the dblBallX is less than 0 then the ball passed by the user's slider, so the AI wins canvasPong.blnUserWins=false; canvasPong.stopGame(); } else if(canvasPong.dblBallX>canvasPong.getSize().width) { //If the dblBallX is greater than PongCanvas's width then the ball passed by the AI's slider, so the user wins canvasPong.blnUserWins=true; canvasPong.stopGame(); } } canvasPong.repaint(); Thread.sleep(lngSleepTime); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } class ArtificialIntelligenceThread extends Thread { volatile long lngSleepTime=100l; volatile int intAISliderPositionIncrement=10; volatile int intAISliderPositionStop=0; volatile boolean blnKeepAlive=true; ArtificialIntelligenceThread() { super(); } public void computeSliderMove() { synchronized(syncAll) { //Save the dblBallX and dblBallY for resetting them after the computing of this function is done double dblBallXPrevious=canvasPong.dblBallX; double dblBallYPrevious=canvasPong.dblBallY; //Save the dblBallMoveX and dblBallMoveY for resetting them after the computing of this function is done double dblBallMoveXPrevious=canvasPong.dblBallMoveX; double dblBallMoveYPrevious=canvasPong.dblBallMoveY; while(true) { //Move the ball's position canvasPong.dblBallX+=canvasPong.dblBallMoveX; canvasPong.dblBallY+=canvasPong.dblBallMoveY; //Check to see if the ball's position places it for bouncing off of the northern edge Rectangle northernEdge=new Rectangle(0, 0, canvasPong.getSize().width, canvasPong.intEdgeWidth); if(northernEdge.contains(canvasPong.dblBallX, canvasPong.dblBallY)) { canvasPong.dblBallMoveY=-canvasPong.dblBallMoveY; } //Check to see if the ball's position places it for bouncing off of the southern edge Rectangle southernEdge=new Rectangle(0, canvasPong.getSize().height-canvasPong.intEdgeWidth, canvasPong.getSize().width, canvasPong.intEdgeWidth); if(southernEdge.contains(canvasPong.dblBallX, canvasPong.dblBallY)) { canvasPong.dblBallMoveY=-canvasPong.dblBallMoveY; } //If dblBallX is greater than PongCanvas's width then that is where the ball will eventually arrive at, so have the AI move its slider accordingly if(canvasPong.dblBallX>canvasPong.getSize().width) { intAISliderPositionStop=((int)Math.rint(canvasPong.dblBallY))-canvasPong.intSliderHeight/2; if(intAISliderPositionStop<0) intAISliderPositionStop=0; else if((intAISliderPositionStop+canvasPong.intSliderHeight)>canvasPong.getSize().height) intAISliderPositionStop=canvasPong.getSize().height-canvasPong.intSliderHeight; break; } } //Reset the variables canvasPong.dblBallX=dblBallXPrevious; canvasPong.dblBallY=dblBallYPrevious; canvasPong.dblBallMoveX=dblBallMoveXPrevious; canvasPong.dblBallMoveY=dblBallMoveYPrevious; } } public void stopSliderMove() { synchronized(syncAll) { //Set the field so that it will not move in the "run" function intAISliderPositionStop=canvasPong.intAISliderPosition; } } public void run() { try { while(blnKeepAlive) { if(intAISliderPositionStop==canvasPong.intAISliderPosition) { //If this evaluated to true then don't have the slider move Thread.sleep(500); continue; } synchronized(syncAll) { if(intAISliderPositionStop<canvasPong.intAISliderPosition) { //Move the AI's slider to the north canvasPong.intAISliderPosition-=intAISliderPositionIncrement; if(canvasPong.intAISliderPosition<intAISliderPositionStop) canvasPong.intAISliderPosition=intAISliderPositionStop; } else if(intAISliderPositionStop>canvasPong.intAISliderPosition) { //Move the AI's slider to the south canvasPong.intAISliderPosition+=intAISliderPositionIncrement; if(canvasPong.intAISliderPosition>intAISliderPositionStop) canvasPong.intAISliderPosition=intAISliderPositionStop; } } canvasPong.repaint(); Thread.sleep(lngSleepTime); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
In the above example, the first difference you might notice is that PongExample implements an interface you haven't seen yet called KeyEventDispatcher. The KeyEventDispatcher handles keyboard stroke events. In the constructor for PongExample the KeyboardFocusManager in effect for your computer is assigned to the "manager" variable then the "this" PongExample is added to the KeyboardFocusManager. Farther down the code you will notice a function "dispatchKeyEvent" which is called everytime a keyboard key is pressed. Inside of that function the first thing we do is check to see if the event source is a TextField or TextArea, and if it is from a text object then return from the event handling function because the key press wasn't intended for our event handling process. Next, we check what "keyCode" is pressed, and if it is virtual key up(VK_UP) or virtual key down(VK_DOWN) then we move the user's slider accordingly. I included comments in the source code for describing what the code snippets purpose is. Most of the artificial intelligence takes place in the ArtificialIntelligenceThread with some modification of fields in the PongCanvas. In this lesson, you learned how to create a simple arcade style game which allows the user to interact with the program by using the keyboard's key strokes. Basic artificial intelligence is implemented by creating a computer controlled thread that responds to the trajectory of a virtual ball.