
BufferedImage is an object that stores an image that can be drawn using a Component's "paint" function's
Graphics object by using the function "drawImage". Java provides several ways of setting the pixel data
of a BufferedImage including "getRGB" and "setRGB" functions of BufferedImage. Another way that
the buffer of pixel data can be modified is by
int intPixels[]=((DataBufferInt)bufferedImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
In the following example, the second implementation is used for modifying the transparency of one color that has been drawn in the BufferedImage. I apologize in advance for the complexity of the next example, there isn't really a more simple way of demonstrating the drawing to a canvas, loading, saving, and transparency of a BufferedImage. Here is the example:
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import*; import java.util.Iterator; import*; class BufferedImageSample { public static void main(String args[]) { BufferedImageSample tObj=new BufferedImageSample(); BufferedImageSample.BufferedImageFrameImage BufferedImageFrameImage(); BufferedImageSample.BufferedImageFrameDisplayer BufferedImageFrameDisplayer(bFrame); Dimension dimScreen=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); bFrame.setSize(dimScreen.width, dimScreen.height-40); bFrame.setVisible(true); bFrame2.setSize(dimScreen.width, dimScreen.height-40); bFrame2.setVisible(true); bFrame.bufferedImageCanvas.initCanvas(); } class BufferedImageFrameImage extends Frame implements ActionListener, ItemListener { BufferedImageCanvasImage bufferedImageCanvas=new BufferedImageCanvasImage(); List lstColors=new List(5); Button btnSetTransluscent=new Button("Set Transluscent Color"); Menu menuFile=new Menu("File"); MenuItem menuFileLoad=new MenuItem("Load"); MenuItem menuFileSave=new MenuItem("Save"); BufferedImageFrameImage() { super("Buffered Image Sprite"); setIconImage(new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)); add("Center", bufferedImageCanvas); lstColors.add("red"); lstColors.add("green"); lstColors.add("blue"); Panel tempPan=new Panel(); tempPan.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); tempPan.add("Center", lstColors); lstColors.addItemListener(this); tempPan.add("South", btnSetTransluscent); btnSetTransluscent.addActionListener(this); add("South", tempPan); menuFile.add(menuFileLoad); menuFileLoad.addActionListener(this); menuFile.add(menuFileSave); menuFileSave.addActionListener(this); MenuBar mBar=new MenuBar(); mBar.add(menuFile); setMenuBar(mBar); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) { Object evSource=ie.getSource(); if(evSource==lstColors) { int intSelectedIndex=lstColors.getSelectedIndex(); if(intSelectedIndex==-1) return; String strSelectedItem=lstColors.getSelectedItem(); if(strSelectedItem.equals("red")) {; } else if(strSelectedItem.equals("green")) {; } else if(strSelectedItem.equals("blue")) {; } } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { Object evSource=ae.getSource(); if(evSource==menuFileLoad) { try { File fileImg=new File("BufferedImageSampleImage.png"); ImageInputStream input=ImageIO.createImageInputStream(fileImg); Iterator<ImageReader> readers=ImageIO.getImageReaders(input); if(!readers.hasNext()) { input.close(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("No reader for: " + fileImg); // Or simply return null } ImageReader reader =; reader.setInput(input); // Configure the param to use the destination type you want ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam(); param.setDestinationType(ImageTypeSpecifier.createFromBufferedImageType(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB));, param); bufferedImageCanvas.repaint(); reader.dispose(); input.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if(evSource==menuFileSave) { try { File fileImg=new File("BufferedImageSampleImage.png"); ImageIO.write(bufferedImageCanvas.bufferedImage, "png", fileImg); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if(evSource==btnSetTransluscent) { int intSelectedIndex=lstColors.getSelectedIndex(); if(intSelectedIndex==-1) return; BufferedImage bufferedImage=bufferedImageCanvas.bufferedImage; int intTransluscentColor=-1; String strSelectedItem=lstColors.getSelectedItem(); if(strSelectedItem.equals("red")) { intTransluscentColor=255<<16; } else if(strSelectedItem.equals("green")) { intTransluscentColor=255<<8; } else if(strSelectedItem.equals("blue")) { intTransluscentColor=255; } DataBufferInt dbi=(DataBufferInt)bufferedImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer(); int intPixels[]=dbi.getData(); int intRGBMask=-1; int intRed=255; intRed=intRed<<16; int intGreen=255; intGreen=intGreen<<8; int intBlue=255; intRGBMask=intRed|intGreen|intBlue; int intTransluscentMask=255; intTransluscentMask=intTransluscentMask<<24; for(int i=0;i<intPixels.length;i++) { int intNextPixel=intPixels[i]; intNextPixel=intNextPixel&intRGBMask; if(intNextPixel==intTransluscentColor || intNextPixel==0) { intPixels[i]=intNextPixel; } else { intPixels[i]=intNextPixel|intTransluscentMask; } } bufferedImageCanvas.repaint(); } } } class BufferedImageFrameDisplayer extends Frame { BufferedImageFrameImage bufferedImageFrameImage; BufferedImageCanvasDisplayer bufferedImageCanvas=new BufferedImageCanvasDisplayer(); BufferedImageFrameDisplayer(BufferedImageFrameImage bufferedImageFrameImage) { super("Buffered Image Sprite Displayer"); this.bufferedImageFrameImage=bufferedImageFrameImage; bufferedImageCanvas.bufferedImageFrameImage=bufferedImageFrameImage; setIconImage(new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)); add("Center", bufferedImageCanvas); } } class BufferedImageCanvasImage extends Canvas implements MouseListener { Color; BufferedImage bufferedImage; Graphics bufferedImageGraphics; BufferedImageCanvasImage() { super(); addMouseListener(this); } public void initCanvas() { Dimension dimCanvas=getSize(); bufferedImage=new BufferedImage(dimCanvas.width, dimCanvas.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); bufferedImageGraphics=bufferedImage.getGraphics(); repaint(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) { Point mePoint=me.getPoint(); int meX=mePoint.x; int meY=mePoint.y; bufferedImageGraphics.setColor(clrCurrent); bufferedImageGraphics.fillRect(meX, meY, 50, 50); repaint(); } public void paint(Graphics graph) { if(bufferedImage==null) return; graph.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, 0, null); } } class BufferedImageCanvasDisplayer extends Canvas implements MouseMotionListener { BufferedImageFrameImage bufferedImageFrameImage; int intMouseMovedX=0; int intMouseMovedY=0; BufferedImageCanvasDisplayer() { super(); addMouseMotionListener(this); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) { Point mePoint=me.getPoint(); intMouseMovedX=mePoint.x; intMouseMovedY=mePoint.y; repaint(); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { } public void paint(Graphics graph) { Color clrPrev=graph.getColor(); graph.setColor(Color.gray); graph.fillRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height); BufferedImage bufferedImage=bufferedImageFrameImage.bufferedImageCanvas.bufferedImage; int intImageWidth=bufferedImage.getWidth(); int intImageHeight=bufferedImage.getHeight(); graph.drawImage(bufferedImage, intMouseMovedX-intImageWidth/2, intMouseMovedY-intImageHeight/2, null); graph.setColor(clrPrev); } } }
When you run the example, after compiling, using "java BufferedImageSample" two frames are made visible. The first frame is for clicking and drawing the colors red, green, and blue onto a BufferedImage. The second frame is for moving the mouse to position the image on the frame; you will see modifications made from the first frame displayed as an overlay onto the second frame. The first frame has a white background and the second frame has a grey background. The first frame has a menu called "File" which has two MenuItems: "Load" and "Save". These MenuItems are for loading and saving the BufferedImage into a File named "BufferedImageSampleImage.png" using javax.imageio.ImageIO static function "write" for saving the file and using an ImageReader(from javax.imageio) and an ImageInputStream(from for loading the file. You can see the code implemented for loading and saving the BufferedImage file by using your text editor's "Find" tool and entering "menuFileLoad" and "menuFileSave" respectively. Saving is relatively straight forward. Loading is much more complicated. The complication is necessary because when modifying the BufferedImage we make use of a DataBufferInt object that stores the BufferedImage's Raster data, and ImageIO's "read" function reads in a DataBufferByte object by default into the BufferedImage. So, to get around that problem we use an ImageReader and ImageReadParam to "setDestinationType(ImageTypeSpecifier.createFromBufferedImageType(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB))" which tells the ImageReader to read in the BufferedImage with a DataBufferInt storage instead of DataBufferByte. Scroll down a little farther in the "actionPerformed" function and you will see the code for "btnSetTransluscent". This is where we make pixels matching a selected color into transparent pixels. In this example, the three color choices are red, green, and blue. In this section of code we make use of the bit shift operator "<<" which shifts the location of bits by a specified number. Bits are the smallest recognizable pieces of data in a computer system; a byte is 8 bits and we use bytes to define most other data on a computer. The pixels in our BufferedImage are defined as ints which are 32 bits in length. The first 8 bits are the blue component. The second 8 bits are the green component. The third 8 bits are the red component. The fourth 8 bits are the alpha component. The alpha component is the component that defines the transparency. The next code snippet shows how to define the transluscent color in a 32 bit pixel. The number 255 is the maximum number storable using a single byte. It is a value where all 8 bits are set to the "on" value. The number appearing after the "<<" is the number of bit positions to shift the bits. So, "255<<16" means shift the bit values contained in 255 over 16 bit locations, so after the shift the "on" bits are positioned to appear at bit locations 16-24.
if(strSelectedItem.equals("red")) { intTransluscentColor=255<<16; } else if(strSelectedItem.equals("green")) { intTransluscentColor=255<<8; } else if(strSelectedItem.equals("blue")) { intTransluscentColor=255; }
Next, notice the code where we declare the variable "intPixels[]" by getting the raster and data buffer for the BufferedImage. We need the pixel buffer because we are going to use a "for" loop to iterate through and search for occurences of the color specified as transluscent. Before the "for" loop we create a mask for the first 24 bits of each int we check. This next line of code creates the mask:
The bitwise "|" operator stands for "or" in bit operations. In an "or" operation only one of any bit location has to be evaluated as "on" for the resulting assignment variable to have an "on" value. For example: 1011=0011|1000 The value on the left is the resulting assignment variable. Each 1 or 0 is a single bit. The value on the left gets a value of 1 if either of the operands next to the "|" have a 1 in that bit location. The third bit is a 0 because neither of the operands next to the "|" have a 1 in the third bit location. Also, notice how the bit locations are read from right to left with the rightmost position being the first bit location. Basically, the "intRGBMask" is going to be used to filter out the transparency byte from each int pixel. The code for doing the actual filtering is:
It uses the bitwise "&" operator which stands for "and" in bit operations. In an "and" operation both of the bits in a particular bit location must be "on" in order for the resulting assignment variable to have an "on" value in that bit location. Therefore, the "intNextPixel" can only have "on" values in the bit locations from 1-24 which are the components red, green, and blue. Next, an "if" condition follows where we check to see if the particular int pixel is the same color as the transluscent color. If it is then set the "intPixel" array's index to a value with 0 for the alpha component which tells the BufferedImage that the particular pixel is completely transparent. If the "if" condition doesn't evaluate to true then the "else" condition occurs, and an alpha component with value 255 is "or"d with the color in "intNextPixel" which tells the BufferedImage that the particular pixel is completely opaque. Scroll down to the class declaration for "BufferedImageCanvasImage" in this inner class we include an "initCanvas" function for creating the BufferedImage with the same width and height as the Canvas, and we create a Graphics object for the BufferedImage( note that a new Graphics object is created whenever "getGraphics" of BufferedImage is called, so just call "getGraphics" once and use a variable to store the returned Graphics object). The "initCanvas" function is called in "main" after the size of the frames is set and the frames are made visible because only after that has taken place is the Canvas's "getSize" function valid. Farther down in the BufferedImageCanvasImage's definition we arrive at the "paint" function which checks to see if the BufferedImage has been initialized. If not, the function returns before calling "drawImage". The "drawImage" function takes parameters of Image, x position of top left corner of image, y position of top left corner of image, ImageObserver which is often set to null. Scroll down to the class definition of "BufferedImageCanvasDisplayer" and notice that a BufferedImageFrameImage object has been declared in the class field section. We set this field after the objects have been constructed in the constructor for BufferedImageFrameDisplayer. We also declare a couple of ints for storing the last mouse position determined by the "mouseMoved" function of MouseMotionListener. These ints are used when redrawing the Canvas. The "paint" function of BufferedImageCanvasDisplayer uses "drawImage" to draw the BufferedImage centered around the current mouse pointer's position, so if the mouse pointer is near the center of the screen then nearly the enter BufferedImage from our other Canvas is displayed in the Canvas of BufferedImageCanvasDisplayer. If you have not done so already, try clicking around the canvas of the frame with the title "Buffered Image Sprite" and clicking the colors listed near the bottom of the frame and clicking some more in the canvas. There should be several colors on the canvas. Next, try clicking "Set Transluscent Color" with one of the colors selected. You will notice that the color was made transparent and can no longer be seen in the frame. The rectangles with the transparent color won't appear on the other frame's canvas either if you switch to that frame and try moving the mouse around. In this lesson, you learned about drawing images using "drawImage" of the Graphics object. Loading and saving a BufferedImage using and javax.imageio.ImageIO . Lastly, you learned about transparency using bitwise operations, masks, and data buffers.