The world of MUSTRO is composed of 2D tiles. Each tile has an image and a set of properties
which govern its characteristics within the world. The images can be created easily
using the bim.rpg.imagescan package included with the MUSTRO construction kit. This
means that the visualization of the world can be changed without any programming. The properties
of each tile are stored in bim.rpg.strategy.AreaBlock objects. This means that programming is required
to change tile properties, but many properties are already included with the MUSTRO kit.
In this help file the following descriptive words will be used:

Listed below are some of the properties available to tiles:


No Combat

No Magic

Fast Regeneration

Food Here


No Transport


Shallow Water

Deep Water






Allow Restricted Transport

Affects are modifiers that characters place on a tile using a skill or spell.
Affects that are packaged with MUSTRO:

Force Field

Weather at this time is only represented by images. However at some point
I would like to make it a force of nature which will play into the combat
scenario of MUSTRO.
Weather that is packaged with MUSTRO:





General Tile Options:

Transports any creature that steps on the tile to a creator-defined location.

No Combat
No combat on this tile. No attacks will affect the character if it is targetted on
this tile. If a creature is larger than one tile then if the other tiles that
the creature is on are not nocombat then the creature can be attacked using those
tiles as targets. Therefore if you want to create a nocombat zone then it is
recommended that you make a rectangle of tiles nocombat rather than just one(unless
you only want a creature with the size of one tile to be fully protected).

No Magic
The same as nocombat described above except that it is for magic and even non-
threatening magic cannot be used(heal, create, etc).

Fast Regeneration
Regenerate health, magic, and stamina at twice the normal rate of recovery.

Food Here
Food is plentiful on this tile and when a character steps on this tile then
its food is fully regenerated.

This tile is locked. The key is an item with a quest id which matches this locks id.
The creature will not be able to step on this tile unless it possesses the item.

No Transport
A transporter, or transport spell will not be able to transport a creature to a tile
if the tile contains this option. The only exception is if the transporter tile
contains another option the Allow Restricted Transport option
if it does contain both options then it will be able to transport to a tile with No Transport.

A creature will not be able to step on a tile that contains this option. At this time
it has the same functionality as making a tile unenterable at creation time. However
if a programmer should desire to change around functionality for damage by step
or anything like that it would not be hard.

Shallow Water
Requires a certain amount of stamina to cross this tile with this option(or a levitate

Deep Water
Requires a certain amount of stamina and the Swimmer advantage to cross this tile(
the levitate affect will not work).

Requires stamina to navigate the hills. If the creature is afraid of heights(a disadvantage
provided) then the creature will not be able to move over hills at all unless affected
by a levitate affect.

Requires stamina and the Mountainclimber advantage to climb the mountains.

A creature with the disadvantage Dark Fear will not be able to move over these tiles.

Provides support for an arena. The arena tile has a transport into the arena location
and a transport out of the arena location. A creature can only be transported into
the arena if more than one creature has chosen to enter the arena and then chosen
to agree to the arena combatents. If all of the creatures who choose to enter
the arena also choose to agree to combat with all other creatures in the arena then
all of the creatures who agreed are transported into the arena. In order to leave
the arena all combatents still left inside of the arena must disagree to combat.
Once this happens they will all be transported out. Death in the arena results
in the same events as death at any other time and place in the realm.
Some recommendations for the construction of an arena are to build walls
around the tiles to keep out creatures that do not agree to arena combat. Another
good idea is to make all tiles that are enclosed in the arena have a No Transport
option to keep creatures from teleporting in. One more note is to be wary of where you place
tiles with Allow Restricted Transport option so that a transporter does
not transport an unsuspecting creature into the arena.

Heals anyone who moves to this tile rejuvenating health, magic, stamina, and food to maximum.

Allow Restricted Transport
Used in combination with Transporter option to allow
transporting into tiles with No Transport option.

Character Generated Affects:

A trap is set by characters that will do damage to creatures who are standing on the affected
tile on each tick(the time when creatures normally recover health, etc) for the duration
of the trap. A trap may only be set if the tile being trapped is not visible by any
other creatures in the area except the trap setter.

Force Field
Makes the tile it is placed on unenterable.


The weather is clear. No change in the image display.

The weather is cloudy. No change in the image display.

There are rain showers on this tile. An image is used to represent the rain.

There are snow showers on this tile. An image is used to represent the snow.

There is fog on this tile. An image is used to represent the fog. This fog may be used
to conceal creatures or whatever is on the tile.

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